How to Buff a Tile Floor without a Buffer (3 Great Ways)

how to buff a tile floor without a buffer

It is common when buffing tiles to make use of buffers, but its commonness does not mean it is the only way.

Ways to buff a tile floor without a buffer include mopping your tile floor with vinegar and water solution as well as using liquid cleaners or polishing solutions.

Read on as we throw more light on how to buff a tile floor without a buffer.

Related: How To Buff Tile Floors

How to Buff a Tile Floor without a Buffer

Damp Mopping with Vinegar and Water Solution

It is common when buffing tiles to make use of buffers, but its commonness does not mean it is the only way.

One way to buff a tile floor without a buffer; remove that grime and give it that original shine by soaking your mop in your vinegar and water solution, then wringing it out to be slightly damp.

Damp mopping will keep your floors from becoming too wet.

Using the damp mopping method is a much better option if you want to buff without buffer and still get your sparkling tiles.

It is better than dry mopping or wet mopping as sweeping the mop over the surface first dissolves soil and grime before removing it efficiently.

This significantly brightens the tile surface. However, the tiles have to be adequately swept first with a broom to remove dust, pet hair, and anything that can get in the way of the damp mop and reduce the cleaning efficiency.

Read: How to Make a Floor Spraying Buffing Solution

Making Use of Liquid Cleaners

Liquid cleaners are another way to make that tile shine to the point of seeing your image in it. It is a way to clear off dirt, and it can be used to clean all floor types.

You can even clean the floors daily without fear of harming your floors. There are little or no harsh chemicals in it, and it doesn’t leave off that dull finish.

Depending on the size of the area you’re cleaning, pour a capful of the liquid cleaner into a bucket of warm water and cause it to lather. Dampen your mop with the mixture and then clean the area.

You’ll see how easily the dirt comes off. When the water gets dirty, you can get rid of it to prevent a dirt streak on the floor. When you’re done, go in again with clean water till dry.

Making Use of Polishing Solutions

Polishing is used to smooth over scuffs and scratches. This method involves the use of products containing abrasives to smoothen out imperfections like scratches and marks on the floor.

It typically works for most types of floors. It is used to smoothen and shine surfaces such as metal, plastic, and wood.

The abrasive process restores the paint and brings out the luster by cleaning, smoothening, and polishing. 

Read: Best Cleaner for Porcelain Tile


We have written this article about how to buff a tile floor without a buffer to help you make informed decisions when wanting to buff your tile.

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