Bleaching Carpets – 5 Quick Steps

Bleaching Carpets

There are different reasons for bleaching carpets; it is sometimes done to change the carpet’s current color or remove stains. When bleached, your carpet will turn some shade of beige, tan, or buff; this gives you a blank canvas to work it enabling you to dye the carpet any color of choice.

Washing your carpet in standard-issue chlorine bleach will also help to remove stains, discolorations, and colorants from it. But this should be done with caution as chlorine can damage synthetic yarns, cotton fibers, wool threads, and silk filaments.

This is why it is recommended to use a milder bleaching agent, such as hydrogen peroxide, to bleach your carpets whenever necessary.

Read: How to dye carpet

How To Whiten Carpet

Step 1:

Start by cleaning the carpet and eliminate any loose dirt and debris using a vacuum; this should be done before the carpet is washed.

Create a cleaning solution by combining 5 gallons of water, 1 tbsp. Of powdered laundry detergent and a tbsp. Of soda ash. Thoroughly mix the solution and apply it evenly over your carpet. After which, you can rinse out the carpet using plain water.

Step 2

In a plastic bucket, add 2 qt of lukewarm water before alongside 1 tbsp. Of powdered laundry detergent,  a cup of soda ash, and 6 pints of 3% hydrogen peroxide, mix thoroughly.

Step 3

Fill a spray bottle with some of the solution you just made and spritz it over your carpet generously. Continue refilling the bottle until you completely moisturize all the carpet’s fibers. Then give the carpet some time to dry. 

Step 4

Finally, mix 1 gallon of water and a cup of distilled white vinegar in a bucket, then soak a push broom with firm but gentle bristles in the solution and use it to scrub the carpet lightly.

This is to deactivate any lingering bleaching agent and also fluff up the carpet’s fibers. 

Step 5

Allow the carpet to dry completely, and inspect the results. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can repeat the process until you are. After achieving desired results, you can go ahead and dye your carpet if you intend to.

How To Remove Stains From Carpet

Water-Soluble Stains:

Water-soluble stains like spills from soda, alcoholic beverages, berries, excrement, milk, mud, dairy products, gravy, and jelly can be removed with white vinegar.

In a bucket, mix 14 teaspoon (1.2 ml) of white vinegar with 1 us quart (0.95 l)of water; you can also make use of a non-bleach detergent in the absence of white vinegar.

Apply the mixture using a spray bottle and spritz it all over the dried stain. Use a sponge to scrub the area and blot it dry with paper towels.

You can also use 1 cup of water mixed with a few drops of clear dish soap to remove the stain. But remember to rinse off any soap residue after removing the stain.

Special Water-Soluble Stains:

These are stains from blood, chocolate, coffee, wine, tea, vomit, and mustard. Ammonia can be used to remove this type of stain.

Simply mix 1 tablespoon of ammonia with 1 cup of water. If you have wool or wool-blend carpet, you can use a mild detergent instead of ammonia.

Apply the mixture onto the dried stain using a spray bottle. Then scrub the area with a sponge and blot it dry using paper towels.

Clear-colored stains like white wine require extra attention because they contain sugars that caramelize over time, and this causes discolored patches on your carpet.

For bloodstains, clean them up immediately as they occur using cold water, then use hydrogen peroxide to eliminate the stain completely from your carpets.

Read: How to get coffee out of carpet

Wax Or Oil Stain

To remove wax or oil stain, lay a paper towel over the spill and run it over with your iron on a warm setting. The heat will cause the spill on the carpet to transport to the paper towel. Then use mild dish soap and water to clean your carpet if it’s pre-treated or deep clean it.

Read: How to remove grease stain from carpet


To remove dried glue from your carpet, all you need to do is rub a cotton ball that has been soaked in rubbing alcohol all over the glue. Then wipe off the glue residue and repeat the process until you completely remove the glue from the carpet.


To remove wax or gum on your carpet, apply an ice cube or ice pack to the gum or wax for around 20 minutes to freeze it and make it easier to remove.

If the wax or gum is on a large area is affected, once an area of the gum or wax freezes, hit it with a blunt object until it shatters. Then use a vacuum to clean up the pieces and blot the area dry with a towel.

You can also use a spoon to remove the smaller pieces of gum and cut the carpet underneath. When cutting off dried gum from your carpet, you need to go as close as possible to the frozen gum and only cut a small amount of the carpet’s fibers.

Urine Stain

To remove urine stain, mix white vinegar and detergent in even proportions. Apply the mixture using a spray bottle, or a rag. Then blot the area dry before rinsing with water and allow the carpet to dry completely.

How to Maintain your Carpet

Vacuum Frequently

Vacuuming your carpet frequently is very crucial, especially if it is placed in high traffic areas where the carpet receives a lot of wear.

Vacuum your carpet at least twice a week or daily, especially if you have little kids or pets, to eliminate any surface dirt on the carpet before they become deeply embedded in it.

When vacuuming, use a high-quality vacuum with HEPA filters in order to catch the maximum amount of dirt. When using a vacuum, always remember to change or clean its filters frequently.

To create a slight resistance when you use the vacuum, which helps to ensure an optimal operation, set the vacuum height level appropriately.

Also, remember to change the vacuum bag or canister frequently. A full canister reduces the suction power of your vacuum.

Read: Best Vacuum cleaner review

Clean Spills Immediately They Occur

Immediately a spill occurs, use a white paper cloth or towel to apply gentle pressure and soak up the stain. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the stain to prevent it from spreading and grounding into the carpet more.

Read: Does water stain carpet

Do Not Walk On Your Carpet With Shoes

Before stepping on your carpet, remember to take your shoes off and have your guests do the same. This will help to maintain your carpet’s color and keep the color vibrant and clean.

Although it is recommended to take off your shoes before stepping on your carpet, you should not walk barefooted on it as well.

Bare feet secrete natural oils that cause the carpet to attract dirt, so ensure to leave your sock on when walking on your carpet.

You can place a shoe rack by the door to act as a reminder for you to always take off your shoes when you come through the door.

You can also designate a pair of slippers for strictly indoor uses only. If you are not comfortable with having to tell your guests to take off their shoes, you can place a mat in the entryway to catch any dirt and debris from their shoes before they step onto the carpet.

Keep Pets’ Paws Dry

If you have pets, keep a towel handy to wipe off dirt from their paws whenever they go out and are trying to get inside. Pets are excellent dirt trackers, and this will prevent them from tracking dirt, mud, and debris into the carpet.


Bleaching carpets, although not advisable, can be done to change the color of the carpet or remove discoloration. When bleaching your carpet, ensure to use the right methods and solutions; failure to do so could cause great damage to your carpet. This article also lists the steps on how to whiten carpet, so simply follow the aforementioned tips and tricks to achieve a clean-looking carpet. 

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