How to Get the Smell of Vinegar out of Carpet (4 Simple Steps)

how to get the smell of vinegar out of carpet

Cleaning your carpet can be enjoyable unless you’ve thrown in too much vinegar for the finishing touches. While adding vinegar to your carpet cleaning finish may be beneficial, too much might create wicking as well as creating a vinegar odor.

Several treatments for removing vinegar odor from carpet include baking soda, thorough vacuuming, blotting the vinegar, and using coffee grinds. The most effective way to combat vinegar odor is to use a mixture of those methods.

This post will explain how to get the smell of vinegar out of carpet.

Related: How to deodorize carpet

Few things you should know before using vinegar on your carpet

Now that you have an idea of how to get rid of vinegar odors, it’s time to think about things before you use vinegar. Before you use vinegar on your carpet, there are a few things you should know.

Remember, it’s critical to understand what you’re thinking about doing yourself when it comes to carpet cleaning. In the end, it will only benefit you and your carpet.

Getting Rid of Vinegar Smell

It is recommended that you hide the vinegar scent before putting it to the carpet to avoid it afterwards.

This can be done while you’re getting ready to apply the vinegar solution to your carpet. Adding essential oils to the mix is the major cure here.

You can use the following ingredients to make the spray:

  • 1 quart water
  • 1/2 cup vinegar

5 drops essential oils (lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree leaves) While preparing the solution, mix the ingredients thoroughly to disguise the vinegar fragrance.

After that, you can test it out by spraying a small amount on the carpet. If you don’t detect the noxious odor of vinegar, you’re good to go. If the odor persists, try applying more essential oil to mask it.

Eliminating the Odor

If, for example, the smell of vinegar persists despite the use of essential oils (which it shouldn’t), it’s time to neutralize the odor. This is the same procedure for removing the odor using baking soda.

The application, however, is not restricted to carpets; it can also be used on furniture, sinks, toilets, and showers, among other things.

Prior to and following

All you have to do is apply enough baking soda to the affected area. Baking soda’s components react with vinegar to form acetic acid.

When the reaction is finished, water and salt will appear over the spot, indicating that the vinegar has been extracted.

How to Get the Smell of Vinegar out of Carpet

The excessive amount of vinegar that has been sprayed over the carpet is the reason why your carpet continues to smell like vinegar.

Even a tiny amount is sufficient to remove odor, but if an excessive amount is used, the odor becomes unbearable.

The vinegar settles within the carpet, keeping it damp and drawing dirt and bacteria. Furthermore, this attracts mold and leads to mold infestation, damaging your carpet even after it has been cleaned properly.

The first step is to use caution when spraying the vinegar solution on your carpet. If you do this, you will never have an issue. However, if you’ve accidently sprayed a lot, you should clean it out first.

This can be accomplished by taking the following steps:

1. Baking Soda

After that, you’ll need to use baking soda. Baking soda is used to remove moisture and odors from carpets in the same way that vinegar is. It can also be used to get rid of excess vinegar in this scenario.

Simply sprinkle baking soda over the parts that have too much vinegar and let it sit for about an hour.

Baking soda will remove the vinegar from the carpet and render it unscented. If the scent persists, repeat the process and leave it overnight.

2. Vacuuming

The final step is to get rid of the baking soda that was trapping the extra vinegar. Vacuuming is necessary here since residual baking soda can collect dirt and retain moisture in the carpet.

Baking soda with accumulated vinegar can collect dirt and be driven deep within the carpet when traffic passes over it.

Because the carpet will not dry, bacteria will thrive, eventually leading to mold infestation. Make sure to vacuum it thoroughly, and if the desired results aren’t obtained, repeat the operation.

Read: How to remove laundry detergent on carpet

3. Making Use of Coffee Grounds

Spreading coffee grinds over the affected region is another approach you can employ. Coffee grounds have been discovered to remove smoke and cigarette odor on carpets, walls, vehicles, and other surfaces.

Coffee grounds might help you get rid of the odor quickly. Ensure that the area is kept airy so that the stench does not reappear and is pushed outside.

4. Bleaching

The first step is to blot out any excess vinegar. Blotting is a great way to get rid of stains and absorb moisture from your carpet.

Blotting is done by gently pressing a somewhat damp towel over the discolored area. When the cloth comes into touch with the stain, it rinses it away with each push.

This prevents the fibers in the carpet from being harmed if it is cleansed. On dry carpets, it’s a really effective procedure.

Check if the vinegar is still moist before removing it. If that’s the case, there’s no need to dampen the cloth. Simply blot the vinegar residue with a clean washcloth. To get the most out of the process, repeat it a few times.

Read: How to get alcohol smell out of carpet


It’s imperative that you keep track of the materials you’re utilizing during your carpet cleaning at home.

You can also look at some of the best-carpet-cleaners-near-approaches I’s to learn how DIYing is done properly. Good luck with your cleaning!

This article was written to help you understand every details pertaining to how to get the smell of vinegar out of carpet.

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