Can Dog Urine Cause Mold In Carpets? (Find Out)

can dog urine cause mold in carpets

Yes, dog urine can cause mold in carpets. If your pet decides to relieve itself on your carpet, it should be cleaned up quickly and efficiently, but when the accidents occur repeatedly, or the urine is not cleaned up immediately and thoroughly, it can soak through your carpet into the padding below.

Over time, this can pose a lot of issues as dog urine contains ammonia and also attract moisture, which leads to the growth of mold underneath your carpet.

This can cause a range of health issues such as respiratory symptoms and even long-term lung conditions if there’s prolonged exposure to the mold.

Read: How to fix carpet smelling like urine

How Toxic Is Dog Urine In a House?

Cleaning up your dog’s urine immediately as it occurs in an inappropriate place is very vital in order to avoid any of the significant health risks that exposure to dog urine could pose. Here are some toxic effects of dog urine in a house.

Exposure to Ammonia

Dog urine contains a high concentration of ammonia, and this causes it to produce a very offensive odor. So when your dog goes “number one” on your carpet, and it is not cleaned immediately and thoroughly, the water in the urine will evaporate after some time, and this leaves behind a concentrated solution of ammonia that gives off fumes.

Not only does ammonia fumes smell bad, but they can also pose health risks as well. If the area your dog urinated in is a place with reduced ventilation, it could trigger issues like asthma, pneumonia, and even suffocation in extreme cases.

Exposure to ammonia fumes can cause lightheadedness, difficult breathing due to irritated airways, eye and skin irritation, and even permanent eye damage and skin burn if exposed to it for too long.

If you have little kids, they are usually at the most risk of experiencing health issues due to ammonia exposure as they have a lower body weight compared to adults.

Growth Of Bacteria And Mold

Dog urine can cause the growth of mold and bacteria that, although are not particularly dangerous to regular, healthy people, can cause problems like sinusitis, allergies, and airway inflammation.

People with weaker immune systems, such as children or older people, can experience even worse health problems.

Dog urine can also lead to mold growth when it is not cleaned up quickly or properly.

 Carpet Discoloration

If you do not clean up your dog’s urine stains immediately and it soaks into carpeting or mattresses, it can leave behind stains that can be difficult to remove.

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Leads to Reoccurrence

Dogs have a much more enhanced sense of smell compared to humans. So when an accident site is not cleaned properly, the smell may linger, and this will attract your pet to pee again in the same spot or nearby.

This, in turn, leads to the need for constant cleanup and every other toxic effects dog urine can cause in a house.

How Do I Get Rid Of Dog Urine Smell In My House?

The smell of a dog’s urine can be quite overpowering, especially if your pet has been having a series of accidents inside your home. Fortunately, there are easy ways to eliminate dog urine smell.

Soak It Up

It is critical that you soak up as much urine as possible immediately after your pet has an accident. Use a paper towel to gently and repeatedly dab or blot the puddle; make sure to avoid smearing it around as this will only spread the stain to other areas that were not affected prior.

If the accident occurred on carpet or fabric, you could blot the area dry with paper towels using strong pressure. The used paper towel should be disposed of properly, preferably in an outdoor trash, so that the smell does not linger in your home.

Use Enzymatic Cleaners

Enzymatic cleaners, when used, will help to break down the molecules of pet urine, thus eliminating the offensive odor.

There are a variety of enzymatic cleaners available, and they should be applied according to the packaging instructions. This cleaner should be used quickly as possible in order to minimize any odors and also eliminate stains.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural ingredient known for its deodorizing abilities. Sprinkle some baking soda on the affected area, and use a soft-bristled brush to work the powder gently into the carpet or rug fibres. Allow the baking soda to sit overnight so it can completely absorb the odor, then vacuum it up.

Keep the Area Dry

When your carpet or rug is damp, it causes the urine smell to be much stronger than if they were dry. So after soaking up as much urine as possible, you need to dry the carpet thoroughly. To hasten the drying process, you can place a fan or open windows to help fresh air circulate to minimize odors.

Remove Old Stains

If after cleaning up the puddle, the odor persists, probably due to old, smelly stains around. You can use a black light to find old urine stains on your carpets or fabrics, then apply an enzymatic cleaner, baking soda or any other odor-eliminating treatments.

Try Wet Vacuuming

If the stain is old or deeply embedded into the rug or carpet, you will need to give your carpet a strong and thorough cleaning, this is where wet vacuuming comes in play.

You need only cold water for this type of cleaning; using warm or hot water will cause the urine to bond to the fabric, making it difficult to remove.

You can add an enzymatic cleaner to the cold water for more thorough breaking down of odor-causing proteins. After wet vacuuming, allow the carpet air to dry completely.

Read: How to fix vacuum smelling like dog

Take Out Rugs and Carpeting

If there has been so many repeated accidents or your dog’s health makes it difficult to completely remove odors or prevent future accidents. You may need to change your floor type that can soak up urine to something that will be much easier to eliminate urine smells from, like tile or linoleum flooring.

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Clean More Than Floors

Your floor isn’t the only area that your dog’s urine may get on, stains might be left on walls, furniture legs or draperies, and this can cause the smell to linger on long after the floor has been cleaned.

You can also encounter dog urine on bed. Any item that comes in contact with dog urine needs to be thoroughly cleaned and deodorized just as you would with the floor in order for the smell to stop lingering.

Hire Professional Cleaners

Professional carpet and fabric cleaning services have better techniques and equipment which they employ to detect and remove old urine stains completely.

Although this comes at a cost, hiring professional cleaning service might be the right thing to do, especially if there are many stained spots or stubborn areas that require more complex treatment.

Keep the Litter Clean

If your pet has a litter box, there might still be occasional near-misses that can cause odors to linger and grow stronger. Ensure to clean the litter box or puppy pad area using enzymatic cleaners or any other deodorizing agents as needed.

But keep in mind that you do not want to rid the area of the smell completely, as the smell helps to remind your pet about the right area for their business.

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Potty Training

Ensure to frequently refresh your dog’s potty training to help reinforce where it is appropriate for them to urinate. If you have a backyard, allow your dogs outdoors more often or take more frequent walks with them as well as potty breaks to help minimize accidents inside your house.

Change Diet

Although a dog’s urine naturally smells, a sudden odor change may indicate health problems. Your dog’s diet has a major impact on the smell of its urine. So if you happen to notice a very strong odor or abrupt odor change, consult with a veterinarian to investigate any digestive or any other health issues.

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What Can I Put on my Carpet to Stop my Dog from Peeing on it?

Use a Repellent

There are a variety of repellent products that are designed to stop your dog from peeing on your carpet. These repellent products usually contain compounds that are offensive to your dog’s strong sense of smell.

So when such a product is used on your carpet, your dog will probably steer clear of the area. But before using any repellent, ensure that they do not contain any toxic ingredients and are safe to be used around pets and humans.

You also need to spot test the product on an inconspicuous area of the carpet to ensure it is suitable for use, then you can go ahead and clean your carpet thoroughly, and once it is completely dry, you can apply the repellent.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can also be used as a repellent as most dogs can’t stand it. Mix some lemon juice with water, and sprinkle it on the area where your dog is prone to peeing.


Vinegar can be used to remove urine smell on your carpet as well as deter your dog from peeing on the area. Simply mix an equal amount of white vinegar with water, and apply it to the area where your dog likes to pee on.

Rubbing Alcohol

This also works as a disinfectant and kills bacteria. Just mix an equal amount of rubbing alcohol and water and spray on the affected area.

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  • Can dog urine cause mold in carpets?
  • How toxic is dog urine in a house?
  • How do I get rid of dog urine smell in my house?
  • What can I put on my carpet to stop my dog from peeing on it?

These are some of the questions every dog owner may need to find answers to when their beloved furry friend start having one too many accidents inside their homes. Thankfully this article discusses each question in full details giving tips and tricks on how to deal with your pet’s urine and how to make your home less stinky.

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