How to Get Rid of Tiny Black Dots on Wood Floor (4 Easy Ways)

How to Get Rid of Tiny Black Dots on Wood Floor

Wood floors are the most popular flooring type in many homes, not only because of the aesthetics but also have a great resale value.

Cleaning wood floors using white vinegar, mineral spirit, enzymatic cleaners, or just sanding and resealing are a few of the ways to get rid of tiny black dots on wood floor effectively.

But you only enjoy these benefits when you put in the work to keep your floors looking flawless, and try to get rid of tiny black dots or any discoloration at all on your wood floor, the moment they are spotted.

Black dots on wood floors are caused by various factors, one of which is the failure to wipe up spills immediately as they occur.

Exposing your wood floor to moisture either from spills, pet stains, or water leaks can lead to the formation of black spots or rings, and this discoloration could ruin the appearance of your wood floor, causing it to look old and worn out.

However, you may need to sand and apply a new finish coating on your floor for stains that have deeply penetrated the wood.

Continue reading to find out more about how to get rid of tiny black dots on wood floor.

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How to Get Rid of Tiny Black Dots on Wood Floor

Here are different methods of how to get rid of tiny black dots on wood floor.

1. White Vinegar

White vinegar is a multipurpose solution that not only adds a tangy hit to food recipes but can also be used as a cleaning agent.

To remove black spots from wood, combine 2 cups of warm distilled water, ¼-cup vinegar, and 20 drops of any essential oil of your choice in a bucket or spray bottle.

After giving your floor a thorough cleaning using a vacuum or dust mop, apply the homemade floor cleaner to the dirt-free stained areas.

Use a microfiber mop or clean rag to work the mix into the floor until the stain is removed, then allow the floor to dry before resuming traffic on the area.

2. Using an Enzymatic Cleaner

If the dark spots or discoloration on your wood floor is due to pet stains, you would need an effective enzymatic cleaner formulated to remove tough dark stains on wood floors; the product should also have deodorizing properties so it can get rid of any smell as well.

However, avoid enzymatic cleaners that include ammonia as they can damage your wood floor.

Before applying the formula, sprinkle some baking soda over the stained area and allow the powder to sit for a few hours or overnight before cleaning it up.

Use a vacuum or brush to clean up the baking soda before applying the enzyme-based product according to its packaging instruction; this should eliminate both the discoloration and odor.

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3. Mineral Spirits

Using mineral spirits to remove black stains on wood floors is another easy treatment to get your floor to its original look.

Saturate a clean and absorbent cloth with mineral spirits, and use it to wipe down the stained area of the wood. Work the solution into the floor by rubbing the wood with the cloth until it lifts the stain completely.

For stains in areas that are hard to reach, put mineral spirits on a toothbrush and scrub up the area. For old and damaged wood floors, you can combine unadulterated mineral spirits with mild wood floor soap.     

Apply the solution to the floor using a sponge or paintbrush, then wipe off the excess with a clean cloth. Please note that mineral spirits are flammable and need to be handled with caution.

4. Sand and Reseal the Floor

If the black spots or discoloration have been sitting on your wood floor for a long while, probably because they were covered underneath a carpet, you may find it difficult to get rid of such staining.

If the problem has gone unnoticed for months or years, there’s bound to have a great unrepairable impact on the wood; sanding and resealing the wood may be the only way to get rid of such stain.

For such cases, it is recommended by professionals to start with light sanding. Use a 36- or 40-grit sandpaper to remove about 1mm layer of the wood surface to access the stain and see if that gets rid of the stain.

If the stain persists, go in with another sandpaper and lightly sand the floor for a second time, this should get the job done if it still doesn’t work, you might need to replace the affected boards.

For stains that haven’t completely penetrated the wood planks, one or two shallow sanding treatments should get it off, after which you can go in with a matching stain to blend in the sanded areas with the rest of the floor and seal the floor for protection.

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You can use any of the following products to get rid of tiny black dots on wood floor, including white vinegar, enzymatic cleaner, or mineral spirit.

These products are, however, more effective on newly developed stains. Dark discoloration or mold growth that has deeply penetrated the wood floors will need you to sand and reseal the planks or replace them completely in extreme cases.

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