How to Dry Laminate Flooring with Water Under it

how to dry laminate flooring with water under it

Laminate flooring is made with aluminum oxide and melamine resin, which gives it a level of resistance to moisture, but that doesn’t make it totally immune to water damage.

Damp laminate floor and lead to buckling and warping, which brings us to the question; How to dry laminate flooring with water under it.

When laminate floorboards are exposed to too much water for too long, it suffers irreparable damages. If your home suffered a flood or water somehow got underneath your laminate flooring, it is important to dry out the floor as soon as possible.

Read: How to tackle water spill on hardwood floor

How to Dry Laminate Flooring With Water Under It

1. Locate Source Of Water Spill

Start by locating the source of the water, was it caused by a small spill or an accident like a leak from your dishwasher. The first line of action is to figure out the source of water and stop that before focusing on the laminate floors. 

Once the source of flooding has been attended to, you can proceed to the damaged boards and see the extent of the damage. 

2. Soak Up Excess Water

As already mentioned above, laminate flooring can withstand water on the surface but can still be damaged if the water is left on the floor for too long. The floorboards need to be clean and dry all before you proceed on to the next step.

Repair all leaks before carrying out a repair or adding a sealant to the floor. The leak should be fixed immediately to prevent further damage to your laminate tiles.

3. Closely Inspect Affected Area

Water spreads quickly, so it moves through the wood materials in the flooring quite fast. This is why it is highly important to take your time and locate all affected areas on your laminate floors.

No spot should go unnoticed to prevent the buildup of a more significant issue, such as mold and bacteria that spread when some areas of the floor are not treated quickly or handled. If you notice any sign of mold, you should opt for emergency mold removal services.

Step on each damaged board as you inspect them to feel for any changes or movement that may indicate that water is underneath. There should also be visual signs in the laminate flooring as well.

When laminate floorboards are damaged by water, it typically has some level of discoloration and can sometimes buckle or lose its shape when exposed to any amount of water.

Focus on all the laminate planks with signs of damage; you can make a note or flag each board, so it is easily identifiable and stands out to you for the next step.

You will need to remove any individual laminate planks that have been damaged to prevent the spread of water damage to more areas.

4. Replace Damaged Planks

Take out all of the damaged floorboards that may have warped due to the water; you can sometimes use your bare hands or make use of hand tools.

Any tool or knife that is thin enough to fit under the board can be used to lift it from the barrier underneath. This process should not be rushed as laminate floors have a locking system design, making the pieces easily fit together.

Taking the floorboards apart should not pose a challenge if you are dealing with a small amount of water damage, but you might need some elbow grease if you are not.

Read: How to remove water stains from wood floor

5. Hire An Expert

The severity of the water damage determines if you can handle it yourself or you need to hire experts.

More often than not, resolving water damage with the things you have lying around at home or the workplace isn’t always possible; laminate floors are usually prone to more severe issues and will sometimes require an expert’s attention.

If, after trying all of the steps listed above and the water damage issue is yet to be resolved, seek the services of professionals immediately.

Read: Pros and cons of laminate flooring

How Does Water Damage Laminate Flooring?

When laminate flooring is soaked through by water, it causes them to swell and warp, water also weakens the glue holding them together, and this causes the boards to eventually fall apart.

How Long Does Laminate Flooring Take To Dry?

If your laminate floor becomes wet due to flooding or water spill, drying them may take anywhere from 12 to 36 hours if you are using dehumidifiers and high-volume fans.

This timeframe depends on the extent of the water spill, the number of affected floorboards, and the equipment you use for drying them. If you make use of regular house fans, it could take the laminate floor several days up to a week to dry.

To fasten the drying process and prevent mold, do not dry the laminate flooring in its usual place. This can cause your floor to take weeks to dry and may even lead to mold and other hazards.

Read: How to whitewash laminate flooring

How Long Before Mold Grows Under Wet Laminate Floor?

A laminate floor might be a durable flooring option, but it only takes 24 -48 hours for mold to grow underneath the flooring when wet.

Laminate flooring requires constant maintenance because if it gets in touch with water frequently, it causes mold to grow instantly.

It does not take more than 24 hours for mold to develop and will continue until it becomes damaging to your floor and health unless the source of moisture or water exposure is fixed.

Read: How to fix wood floor buckling


This informative guide discusses how to dry laminate flooring with water under it and a few other questions which will help you keep your beautiful laminate flooring in good condition.

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